GET Phluid surveys our clients to gauge satisfaction with and learning from our content and insights.
This is what we hear:
of clients are satisfied with our educational content. 75% are extremely satisfied.
of clients say they can use the insights they learned from GET Phluid immediately.
of clients are satisfied with our materials and visuals.
90% are extremely satisfied
of clients are satisfied with our prreparation and implementation. 70% are extremely satisfied.
of our content was useful to all but one client. That outlier client said 75% of our content was useful.
of clients rate our educators a 5 out of 5.
10% rate them a 4 out of 5.

Diago Bar Academy
Ensure safe and affirming bar & hospitality spaces.​​
GET Phluid delivered training for inclusiveness and safe spaces to bar, nightclub, and hospitality workers for up to 500 top locations nationally. Additionally, an advanced virtual training was made available on Diageo Bar Masterclass, for bartenders and bar staff beyond the LGBTQIA+ academy. The ultimate goal is to ensure Diageo and Smirnoff are beacons of inclusion, safety, and celebration for the queer, trans, and non-binary community.

Saks off 5th
Showing Up for Pride
Deliver successful community engagement and Pride product launch.
GET Phluid partnered with Saks Off 5th to celebrate Pride in 2021. Customized training tailored for a successful product launch. Marketing included diverse and expansive representation across gender and race, and all proceeds from the sales were donated back to the Phluid Phoundation. From vision and casting to press interviews, there was true collaboration from the beginning. Deliberate and thoughtful planning was key for the success of this campaign, resulting in the highest engagement for any brand campaign to date, outperforming all organic and paid KPI benchmarks.

A New Face for Mattel
Create a more inclusive doll and launch it with authenticity to 500 top accounts.
GET Phluid educated the entire Mattel leadership team on gender identity and pronouns. They were all prepared to speak from a place of knowledge and confidence. Mattel did away with “boys” and “girls” toy divisions in favor of sorting toys by category. The Creatable World doll has no gender or name and could transform and adapt according to the child’s whims. Rob Smith served as an advisor on the launch of the product. GET Phluid hosted the launch of the product with visual displays, panel discussions, and press. The Creatable World Doll was nominated for Most Innovative Product in 2019.